We would love to have more information about Newhaven Station. Horse details, photos, family history any information about the station, people, and Waler horses from there.
Newhaven is in the Tanami Desert, about 300 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs, Northern Territory and about 80 kilometres from the Aboriginal Community of Yuendumu. The property was taken up for pastoral purposes by Alex Coppock in the 1950’s.
Walers were introduced to Newhaven in the late 1950s from other stations. All were Waler bred stock horses with impressive old blood credentials. The horses Alex took there stayed on Newhaven in genetic isolation due to being landlocked by vast dry areas. A wonderful saviour of Central Australian horse genetics of yore. It was a tough environment, so they became wise and hardy. Alex provided water which was gladly welcomed by birds and other animals in dry times.
Newhaven was bought as a conservation area in 2000 and was to be de-stocked and the Coppocks worked with a number of Waler enthusiasts to rehome many of the horses. Many of these horses carry the Newhaven brand. Newhaven is now Australia’s largest conservation park.
Stock under 2yrs of age was dumped into holding paddocks by the truck drivers for collection later when a price could be achieved at Peterborough meatworks in SA as no money was paid for them otherwise. This luckily then provided a source from which to rescue horses post horse exodus from the station, which was at best an urgent scramble to keep horses alive in yards in Alice Springs while finding new homes and organising transport, and at worst running out of time and losing access to so many good horses. The Newhaven Walers are known for very good temperaments. They are mainly light (officers) types – rangy, athletic horses (with some medium types also) – and come in a wide range of colours: chestnut, bay, brown, many greys, tobiano, palomino (showing the cream gene is present in some).
Gelding Fisher is an excellent example of a medium Waler, a type once prolific but now getting hard to find. Mare Pearl is a good example of the more widely found light type.