GoGo Adventures (part6)

Enjoying the story of capturing the GoGo Station Walers? We hope it highlights the active commitment required to save a rare breed and the importance of publicly recording knowledge.

GoGo Adventures (part5)

Next morning Gopher appeared soon after breakfast, he said he was fine, just a touch of the sun. I managed not to mention the putrid slimy water.

Ringwood Station

Some fabulous photos and information about Ringwood station sent in by Michael Gaynor, thank you so much.

Silver Valley Ponies

Australian bred ponies were tough! Now extremely rare, but we believe some are still around the Silver Valley/ Petford Range area in Queensland’s Atherton Tablelands.

Julius Gove

Gove had his own company, Julius Gove and Co., and specialised in shipping to Bombay. He created such a sound company, it traded on long after his death in 1922.

Sir Sidney Kidman

Sir Sidney Kidman, born in 1857, is the subject of books, as he should be, having worked his way up from nothing to being the biggest landowner in the world.

Ernabella Station

Ernabella in the Musgrave Ranges, was named by John Carruthers who did extensive surveying and exploring there in the 1880’s. He was based there for four years doing trigonometric surveys for government.

James Edward (Jim) Robb

The Grand Hotel in Calcutta (now the Oberoi) had a “Waler Corner” where Australian horse traders met; often after the horses were sold at the Army Remount Depot at Alipore. Some traders such as Jim Robb stayed here.