Lyndavale Station

Cordillo Downs UnmatchedInsufficient information exists but we strongly believe a horse has the old blood lines Wilpena Pound Mabel Creek Yambah Lyndavale Newhaven GoGo The Garden Ringwood Mt Riddock Hermannsburg Loves Creek Mt Weld Todd River Downs Jinka Callide Range APY Lands Snowy Mountains

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Lyndavale Station

Lyndavale, on the Maratjura waterhole, was established in 1929 by William Leslie Pearce, known as Snowy; he had it throughout the 1930’s and early 40’s. He died in Alice Springs in 1941 or 42 (legal notices for estate claims put out in March 1942). As well as horses and Hereford cattle, Pearce had sheep on Lyndavale (sometimes written Lynda Vale in old records).

The Stanes family has owned Lyndavale, 260 km sou-west of Alice Springs, since the early 1940’S. Lyndavale is 3,782 square kilometres (following subdivision from Erldunda in 1987). Sid Stanes also owned Erldunda. His son was also named Sid.

Sidney (Sid) Stanes (1863-1969) was an experienced cattle and horseman. He installed the massive boiler and engine at the cyanide works at Arltunga, among other jobs. Then established Hamilton Downs with Ted Harris, and sold his share in that to buy Erldunda in 1920. The family eventually moved to Lyndavale, where they still are.

Erldunda, of some 2,071 square kilometres, was first taken up by Richard Warburton. It was arguably the best Waler breeding station in Australia. The horses were superlative. Great conformation, very hardy, and importantly, sublime temperaments. Warburton’s brand of W in a circle, was famous throughout Australia and India. The Stanes family who owned the station next, then moved to Lyndavale, retained this famous brand.

Read more about this station here.

Lyndavale Station – 2 Horse Listings
Name (Also known as)
Acq. Year
Parentage DNA
Breed Ancestry

Posted by Janet Lane

Rare breeds advocate, and Waler researcher and owner/advocate since the 1980s.