Dropped filly foal Indi in Victoria post-capture

Topsy gave birth to filly foal Indi in Victoria shortly after capture on Todd River Downs. Her new daughter Mollie arrived in February 2023 (with Topsy’s signature white bling), sired by Newhaven Virtuoso. Topsy is an old-fashioned name that was very often given to horses back in the day.
Topsy was captured on Todd River Downs in 2019 as a result of extensive research into the likely presence of old-boodlines breeding true to this day in the isolated and harsh country but being removed as feral animals so facing extinction in this area. Wonderful old-bloodlines and colour diversity represented, some medium horses were seen but mostly light and a handful of the rare pony type (like Topsy).
Read more about this project here.

Additional content related to Topsy
Stories and history:Topsy the Famous Performing Pony
OBW Topsy
Pinjee: First Five Years
Educating Indi
On connecting with land and Waler
Active Engagement With Waler Horses
Photographing Walers: a Hobby
One Year On
Todd River Downs Horse Capture
Phenotype and Genotype