Born December 2005
Classic Paper Doll

Paper Doll was born at Tylden Victoria in December 2005, her parents are Romani and Dardanelle.
Romani was born on Garden Station NT in 1991, purchased as a malnourished 6 month old and cared for by the same owner still today. She has blossomed into a typical Garden Waler, a true sturdy cob 14.2 h jet black with the spots that come and go (old blood mark), grey hairs in the butt of the tail, and Pistol mark (son of Carbine). She has the distinct look of the Lincolnshire trotter, another old breed now extinct, with a huge ground covering walk and wonderful extended trot. All her foals are true blacks.
Dardanelle was born on Cordillo Downs Station SA in approx 1981, purchased as an approx 8 year old at capture. He had a most gentle and tractable temperament, as do all his foals, and was a wonderful example of the Waler breed given his domestication later in life, going on to achieve success in many arenas, from leading Anzac Parades to competing in dressage, eventing and hunting.
Additional content related to Classic Paper Doll
Stories and history:Walers at Lancefield Show
Walers in Action