Waler Poem – Rupertswood

A poem written by a student at Salesian College Rupertswood for a competition to win a place on the podium to read the poem at their 2017 ANZAC Day Service.
The reading on the day was a highlight of the event, as was the attendance by Waler mare Coolibah at the school’s Harvest Festival Day that October which coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Beersheba, the last great cavalry charge.

Waler poem, Anzac Day 2017, Salesian College, Rupertswood, Victoria.
Written by year twelve student Alethea Barclay-Hilton
I watch these men,
I watch them writhe as steel shards shower,
I watch spirits fade as pain gains power,
I watch them smile for I am a glimpse of home.
I watch these men, I watch them
I hear these men,
I hear the cries of pain and pride
I hear the talk of strength and stride
I hear them pine for home and hearth
I hear these men. I hear them
I feel these men,
I feel them bear, upon my back,
I feel them flinch as fusillades crack
I feel their fear when eye to eye
with enemy and with, Ally
I feel these men. I feel them
I taste these men,
I taste the morsel of food after days of fasting,
I taste the tart soil fly in my face as I am advancing,
I taste the sullen defeats and unimaginable victories
I taste these men. I taste them
I know these men,
I know it was for these men that we “Walers” did ride,
I know these fearless soldiers that we served alongside,
I know these men, lest I forget them, nor they forget me,
I knew those men, I knew them.
for both foot and hoof laid prints upon the mud
And so too spilt our kindred blood