The Getting of Mt Weld Governess

© Christie Goodlet 2017. Image: Mt Weld Governess
I laughed, I cried, I danced and my kids looked at me like I was crazy. I had just got off the phone to Rob Forster and I could not believe it – I would soon be the proud owner of my very own MOUNT WELD!!!
Many late nights were had over the next weeks, planning our trip, but in the end all plans fell by the wayside.
Image: Happiness! Mt Weld Governess & I.
My 4yo daughter, 2yo son and I packed up and headed for NSW to meet up with Rob “somewhere, sometime”. Rob, who is the owner driver of Professional Horse Transport, left WA with my girl on Friday August 18. The following Monday I met up with Rob at Dubbo and I had my Mt Weld filly in my float. She was stunning, he had not been exaggerating at all about how great she was.

Image: Resting at Coonabarabran
Tuesday was a well-deserved rest for all four of us at Barkala Farm, Pilliga Pottery, Coonabarabran. I had stopped there twice last year, with Walers, and it is a family favourite stopover.
I spent a couple of very good sessions with the girl we had decided to call Mt Weld Governess during the day of rest. It was the best thing I could have done for her, rest and bodywork, and from that day she has had an incredible bond.
Image: Walers love kids
We set out the next morning and made it home later that night. She had travelled almost five thousand kilometres in a week but had held her condition incredibly well, testimony to Rob’s care.

Image: Mt Weld Governess out my window
My deepest and eternal gratitude goes to older Rob and younger Rob from Mt Weld Walers. I am still smiling and will be for a long time yet. She is pretty, solid, well boned, tough, smart and super calm – and only 1.5 years old. I am looking forward to watching her mature and become an incredible ambassador for the breed up here in Central Queensland. Christie.