Beeandah Mega
Garden foundation mare Mega was a much loved and admired Waler ambassador at the Collingwood Children’s Farm in Melbourne for over a decade, participating in their young Farmer’s programme and introducing farm visitors to good old-fashioned Waler horses, just as horses used to be.

Mega was a Foundation Generation Waler from The Garden. Her characteristics were typical of horses from that area.
Garden Station in Central Australia was one of the earliest horse breeding properties, mostly working types known for the slightly heavier, feathered-legged Trooper’s horse, but more refined than draft breeds and used for work, racing and the India trade. These horses started the process of establishing a Waler studbook in the mid 1980s, rescued from sale yards in Alice Springs where their destination was Peterborough Meatworks in SA.

Additional content related to Beeandah Mega
Stories and history:Mega
Photographing Walers: a Hobby
Todd River Downs Horse Capture
TW Homelands Young Stock Purchase
A Look at Conformation
Walers at Collingwood Children’s Farm