A Public Record: Waler Database

Walers are a uniquely Australian mix of the horses brought to the Colony to provide transport and facilitate communication, settlement and farming in our harsh environment. Walers were bred to suit local conditions so successfully that they were also exported all over the world up until the mid-twentieth century.

Despite efforts to save the breed, the old blood lines and types are fast disappearing. This public record is intended to help ensure that we do not lose them, providing opportunity for public assistance.

There are now two separate studbooks, neither available to the general public, yet these horses were once all we had. By making the information we collect publicly accessible we hope to create broader engagement with our Walers than has so far been possible.

Waler stallion Classic Ezekiel

Posted by The Walers

Waler horse interested people joining us in our quest to document what is known about Walers by sending us stories, photographs and information about Walers.